PuttTek Putting Courses… NOW IN FLORIDA!
We are excited to announce the expansion of our PuttTek Team! We now have a physical operating presence to best serve all of Florida and the surrounding Southeast United States market. Leading our new regional expansion is Todd Ryngala, Vice President and Partner. Todd brings a unique collection of design and build talent perfectly complimenting everything we do at PuttTek. He and his wife Lauren, and their three boys, recently moved to the Orlando, FL area to be closer to family and friends and help install putting courses for our Florida clients. We could not be more excited to welcome the Ryngalas to the PuttTek family.
Whether you are an existing or future customer, you already know that what we do is simply different. We are not just an artificial turf putting green and we do not install your typical “putt-putt” or “goofy golf” courses – we build custom and classy putting courses designed and professionally installed to enhance your available space.
The BENEFITS of a premium synthetic turf PuttTek Putting Course are low maintenance, no water, beautiful year-round and most importantly improved relationships with family and friends.
With two operating locations now in Phoenix, Arizona and Orlando, Florida, PuttTek is positioned to more efficiently deploy our teams throughout the entire Southwest and Southeast regional markets.
So ask yourself… what will my PuttTek Putting Course look like? There has never been a better time to call or email to get started on a no-obligation design.
CAMRON HOWELL | President (480) 326-8665 chowell@PuttTek.com
TODD RYNGALA | Regional V.P. (713) 306-7283 t.ryngala@PuttTek.com
KOBY ALVA | Dir. of Operations (480) 662-2100 kalva@PuttTek.com